Each company or organization sets up a Vocoli "instance" to generate surveys, to build a suggestion box, and to connect with the team.
Which one of these is you?
Is your current annual review process crippling your business? Traditional performance review programs can lead to disdain, fear and ultimately huge employee turnover in companies large and small, don't let the prospect of an annual evaluation send your employees running for the hills.
Long ago the idea of the annual performance review was introduced, but as companies have begun to shift the way they view leadership and people management, discussing employee goals, performance and career pathing only once a year seems antiquated. More large organizations are seeing the light in changing the way they evaluate performance, is yours?
Annual performance reviews have been long dreaded by management and employees alike. Is it time to do away with the archaic once a year, backward-focused progress report in favor of something new?
Join us for Vocoli's monthly live demo. Vocoli's monthly demo is your chance to get a real-time view of our product, discover more about the platform and see what the Vocoli system can do for your team!